Sunday, August 1, 2010

"There's Something About Ohio That I Can't Help But Love"

Tomorrow Mama and I are heading past the Mason-Dixon line to go to Ohio! I love going up there. I get to see family, and there's just something enchanting about it, the smell, the look, the air (so much less humid than VA.) I cant remember the last time went up in the summer, i usually go up for thanksgiving, so Ive only seen it in the cold and snowy weather, but i feel its gonna be even more awe inspiring since its summer.

Here are a few things I'm going to do:

-Go to epic diners and dives with Mama on are way there and back.
-Hug My Gramy Jane and Grandpa Joe,and Gramps, Aunts, Uncles, 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, and 3rd cousins.
- make a strawberry goat cheese tart
- make boeuf bourguignon
-Try and find a chef coat or two for Tech Center this year.
-play football and what not
-paint a new picture
-take lots of photos
- Run and then run some more

I'm hitting the road bright and early tomorrow at 6am, so i bid you goodnight.

[Chase Coy lyrics for title]

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